JT Foxx Wealth Workout 2.0 featuring „The German Way to Success“ by Christian Georg Schwarz
The words of JT Foxx:
„Would you like me to be your CEO for 90 days? 2017 was my best year ever largely because of the decisions I made in my first 90 days from January-March. We actually doubled our profits!!!
Now, I am going to take over your business and coach you the same way my coaches did for me this year.“
Sign in if you want the 90 day step-by-step day-by-day plan!“
In the JT Foxx Wealth Workout 2.0 program, the approach I’ve developed and named „The German Way to Success“ by JT is included in excerpts.
It`s sequences out of „21 keys to getting anything you want.“ a system that leads you step by step to your own success. I started to built that when I began to connect my abilities in new combinations. I brought synergy between Management skills, Personal development, Meditation, Marketing, Sales and my Visions. Combined my traveling experience out of 30 backpack journeys with those I made as a father and business owner. I took the ideas of great people and the wisdom of the ancestors.
I destilated the essence of this knowledge, information and experience and brought that in the right sequence. After a few optimizations this worked for me and turned the game around.
When it work for me, then it also works for others I thought, and it did. So I developed a system out of it.
„21 Keys to getting anything you want“
A complete workshop to find and achieve YOUR OWN goals (not those of parents, clients or supervisors) and other valuable keys to your success can be downloaded here for free.
Merry Christmas and a successful 2018
Christian Georg Schwarz
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