Christian Georg Schwarz Dipl.-Ing.


Engineered Success

entrepreneur, project developer, coach, international keynote speaker, author

born 1971 in Munich, Germany
married, 3 children

With the sale of his own-founded construction management company, where he worked for 12 years as managing director in the fields of project development and project management, Christian Georg Schwarz transferred his professional focus to lecturing and consulting services.

He completed a considerable amount of national and international training in the field of personal development and time management. The experience as a father of three children and the impressions of ca. 30 individual travels serve, in addition to his professional expertise, as inspiring source for his work. Christian Georg Schwarz provides in a comprehensible way how, step by step, everybody can turn his vision into profit.

1977-1987 School education to the General Certificate of Secundary Education
1987-1991 Completed teaching profession as an Electronics Engineering Technician for Communication and Information Technologies (Siemens AG Munich)
1992 Technical diploma Technical College Wasserburg am Inn
1998 Graduate of the degree of Civil Enineer, Constuction Management and Project Management (Universitiy of Applied Sciences Munich)
1998 Foundation of the company Ai1-Baumanagement GmbH, Managing Partner
1998-2009 Responsible for new customer acquisition, project development, building technology and automation, project management, marketing and customer loyalty.
Further education as Energy Consultant for residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
since 2001 Consulting of entrepreneurs on the topics: project management, interface coordination, scheduling and cost planning, optimization possibilities in the organization and construction process, optimization of the construction costs
2010 Sale of the company Ai1-Baumanagement GmbH
2010 Consultancy with the focus: Development and realization of exclusive building projects
2010 Trainings for Transformationcoach, Life-Coach, Mastery Rebirthing
since 2011 Engineered Success – Turn your Vision into Profit
„Every lasting success comes from synergies“
Keynote-speeches, Synergie-Workshops, Consulting, Coaching
2015 Book publication: „Zeitkompetenz für Beruf und Alltag“
2017 Book publication: „21 keys to getting anything you want“
2017 Founding member of Intelligent Millionaires Network Munich
Further Education JT Foxx Coaching, Consulting, Marketing, Branding, Speaking
Anthony Robbins „Business Mastery“, „The time of your life“
Coaching for entrepreneurs and managers
Rules of communication NLP,
Presentation techniques
Negotiation and conviction techniques
Motivation and goal-setting practices
Hobbies Travelling, photography, learning from the bests, motorcycling, reading, running