
Only for people with the courage to hit the mark 

Are you looking for a lasting effect which leads to extraordinary results?

We offer immediately realizable learning contents with remarkable results.

FLATRATE – the death of efficiency


Dates by arrangement

Student to SUCCESS ultimate program

12 days respectively 5 blocks / year

Aktion needs energy – healthy nutrition in the office and the field-service

Dates by arrangement (speaker: Christian Schwarz and Josef Holzheu-Riedel)

Do you also pay attention to your most valuable resources?
Than arrange an appointment now!

Just ask for an offer without obligation

or simply call me +49 (0) 8121 25 75 95


Customizable packages to suit your business needs.


Talented coaching providing supplementary guidance through high performance keynotes and seminars.

Your Guided Way 

Keep in touch on a regular basis with one on one phone and workbook coaching.

„We organized three events with Mr. Schwarz, the feedback was very good. We could absolutely rely on him in the preparation and the performance was outstanding. We will certainly book him again.“ Alexandra Kroh, Human Resources Development HTI Gienger KG
„Despite the growing number of customers and many new processes, I find more and more time for myself and my family thanks to clear goals and structured implementation.“ Josef Holzheu-Riedel, Owner Nuritect GmbH
„Just my time savings through anticipatory action-planning exceeds the value of the investment multiple times.“ Peter Rischer Owner Erdmann Leather Clothing
„Your presentation was very concise, the best I’ve heard about this subjet lately: You put the complex relationship between Time & Stress Management simply stringent in a nutshell.“ Silvia Biagioli editorial journalist WEKA MEDIA GmbH

Have you ever felt that you are not getting the results in life that you deserve?

 Start now to live your true potential!